Are Two Peaches Allowed Per Day?

Juicy and low in calories, peaches are a great summer fruit to eat raw or in nutritious recipes. They are rich in antioxidant plant chemicals that help shield the body from oxidative damage, as well as beneficial vitamins and minerals. Four percent of the daily required amount of fiber, which keeps your digestive system healthy and wards off constipation, is found in one medium peach. They are also a good source of vitamins A and C, which support and enhance immune system function.

C vitamin

One medium peach supplies 11% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C, an important component that promotes immune system function, aids in wound healing, and fends off free radicals. Moreover, it has beta carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A to support the health of the eyes. In fact, according to some research, peach pit extracts may help lessen skin damage caused by UV rays. Potassium, which is abundant in the fuzzy-skinned fruit, can lower high blood pressure. Just one peach has 183 mg of the vitamin, or roughly 6% of the daily required amount. Although eating a cancer-prevention diet is frequently the main focus, it's equally crucial to incorporate foods that aid in detoxification. Peaches are rich in vitamin C and polyphenols, which promote healthy liver function and offer defense against substances that cause cancer. (13).

A vitamin

The fragrant fruit is high in vitamin A, which promotes healthy skin and eyesight. Peaches can be added to salads, smoothies, and porridge in addition to being eaten fresh. Just be careful to select those that are fragrant and ripe. One medium peach provides 11% of your daily required amount of vitamin C, which supports healthy immune function and wound healing. Furthermore enhancing skin suppleness and guarding against free radical damage are the benefits of vitamin C. A significant quantity of beta carotene, which your body converts to vitamin A, can be found in peaches. Vitamin A maintains your immune system and other body systems functioning normally and lessens eye disorders. According to a recent study, peach polyphenols inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells in laboratory mice. Two (2)


Vitamin C, polyphenols, and carotenoids, among other beneficial vitamins and antioxidants, are abundant in the fuzzy peach's delicious skin. Antioxidants stop the formation of harmful cells, which helps prevent cancer. One medium peach contains eleven percent of your daily recommended intake of vitamin C. This vitamin maintains your immune system robust to fend against disease and infection and aids in the healing of wounds. Additionally, it aids in the body's elimination of free radicals, which are substances that harm healthy cells and cause illness. You can lose weight and feel fuller after meals by increasing the amount of low-calorie fruits in your diet, such as peaches. You can eat them raw as a snack or include them into yogurt, salads, and cereal. But go for whole, raw peaches instead than syrup-candied ones or ones with a lot of added sugar. Peach fiber promotes healthy digestion and lowers inflammatory responses. Additionally, it can assist you in managing pregnancy-related problems such as constipation, indigestion, and nausea.


Along with plums, apricots, and cherries, peaches are among the stone fruits that are high in nutrients. They're a great source of fiber and a strong source of antioxidants. Peaches include dietary fiber, which aids in better digestion and helps ward off constipation. It also helps to control blood sugar levels and preserve good gut flora. Dietary fiber also has the potential to prevent diabetes and heart disease. Additionally, one medium peach supplies approximately 11% of your recommended daily intake of vitamin C. This vitamin prevents free radicals that can lead to cancer, heals wounds, and strengthens your immune system (1). Furthermore, peaches' soluble and insoluble fiber can lower the risk of obesity. This is due to the fact that it can curb your binge-eating habits and boost satiety, which will aid in weight loss. Additionally, by encouraging the creation of collagen, it can enhance the condition of your skin and hair (2). Furthermore, by lessening the quantity of calcium that is removed from bones, potassium in peaches can aid in the prevention of bone loss.